Activities at Goa Chitra Museums


The Goa Chitra Museums have diverse spectrum of opportunities for researchers across all academic disciplines

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu porta metus. Fusce egestas, augue ac pellentesque porttitor, sapien nunc dictum enim, a iaculis erat risus in ligula. Sed id porta est, vitae facilisis nunc. Integer vitae lacus ligula. In a ligula posuere, facilisis ipsum at, sollicitudin dolor. Ut blandit tempor elementum. Curabitur pulvinar ultrices sem, sed pharetra enim feugiat nec.

Aenean porttitor mollis est, et eleifend odio sagittis et. Nullam imperdiet leo et luctus mattis. Sed et nisl interdum, posuere leo ac, aliquet enim. Praesent vel rutrum dui. Praesent feugiat, sapien at aliquet placerat, sapien lectus consequat erat, eget porta lacus justo et arcu. Aenean vel elit eget risus eleifend ultrices. Ut commodo molestie sapien, eu sollicitudin erat tincidunt eu. Pellentesque nec mattis erat. Sed congue diam ac scelerisque pharetra. Sed ac metus vel lorem blandit


We seek to work closely with educational institutions with the aim of creating a new generation of well-informed and culturally-sensitive individuals.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu porta metus. Fusce egestas, augue ac pellentesque porttitor, sapien nunc dictum enim, a iaculis erat risus in ligula. Sed id porta est, vitae facilisis nunc. Integer vitae lacus ligula. In a ligula posuere, facilisis ipsum at, sollicitudin dolor. Ut blandit tempor elementum. Curabitur pulvinar ultrices sem, sed pharetra enim feugiat nec.

Aenean porttitor mollis est, et eleifend odio sagittis et. Nullam imperdiet leo et luctus mattis. Sed et nisl interdum, posuere leo ac, aliquet enim. Praesent vel rutrum dui. Praesent feugiat, sapien at aliquet placerat, sapien lectus consequat erat, eget porta lacus justo et arcu. Aenean vel elit eget risus eleifend ultrices. Ut commodo molestie sapien, eu sollicitudin erat tincidunt eu. Pellentesque nec mattis erat. Sed congue diam ac scelerisque pharetra. Sed ac metus vel lorem blandit

Internship duration: Minimum 7 days


A summer of learning, exploration and adventure!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu porta metus. Fusce egestas, augue ac pellentesque porttitor, sapien nunc dictum enim, a iaculis erat risus in ligula. Sed id porta est, vitae facilisis nunc. Integer vitae lacus ligula. In a ligula posuere, facilisis ipsum at, sollicitudin dolor. Ut blandit tempor elementum. Curabitur pulvinar ultrices sem, sed pharetra enim feugiat nec.

Aenean porttitor mollis est, et eleifend odio sagittis et. Nullam imperdiet leo et luctus mattis. Sed et nisl interdum, posuere leo ac, aliquet enim. Praesent vel rutrum dui. Praesent feugiat, sapien at aliquet placerat, sapien lectus consequat erat, eget porta lacus justo et arcu. Aenean vel elit eget risus eleifend ultrices. Ut commodo molestie sapien, eu sollicitudin erat tincidunt eu. Pellentesque nec mattis erat. Sed congue diam ac scelerisque pharetra. Sed ac metus vel lorem blandit vestibulum eu sit amet mi. Cras finibus dictum mollis.


Guest Lectures

Thought Cafe -A public platform for a better Goa!

As our vibrant youth shoulder the responsibility of ensuring a better future in their fight against corrupt administrations, environmental degradation and other social issues of Goa, we are thrilled to lead and support this mission. The Goa Chitra House of Culture and Heritage will be a public platform to conceive innovative and futuristic ideas, and advocate for the change we need.  

To facilitate the interaction between the governors and the governed, we organise a series of debates and discussions on crucial issues that affect us all. Some of these include heritage and culture, tourism, mining, construction and development, educational systems, environmental issues and sustainable practices, transparency in administration and more. These interactions will be spearheaded by professionals and experts of their respective domains. Every effort will be made to conclude a set of definite recommendations that will be forwarded to the state authorities. 

As a treasure-house for Goan heritage and culture, we have managed to create a wide network of supportive professionals within our country. We are delighted to invite highly talented, erudite and enthusiastic individuals to this platform and work together to enrich the future. 

We are glad to have The Times of India as our media partner in this initiative and offer them the exclusive rights to publicise the event. 

Kids Club

Where learning meets fun…

We recognize our children as torchbearers of a brighter future. If given the right tools and motivation, they can change the world. Bearing this in mind, Victor Hugo Gomes set up the Kids Club for children between the ages of 6-16. 
This is a learning lab for children to understand and connect with their heritage and culture in a secure, fun and interactive space. 
At the Club, children meet once a month to explore and enjoy Goa with a museum tour, workshop or an adventure trail for a holistic learning experience even outside the classroom. 
Looking for an activity for your child’s summer holiday? Check out our Summer Camps at the Museums!

How will the Kids Club help my child?

This is a unique opportunity for children to learn about their traditions and heritage and interact with cultural artifacts at the museum, in an environment designed to develop and inculcate essential values for their overall development. Our activities and events for children are intended to sensitize them about their heritage, culture and environment through art, craft, music, dance, book readings, adventures and discussions with professionals from India and across the world. 

Our experiential learning programs, while being fun, supplements their school learning. Children will be encouraged to think, observe, debate, and socialize with other children and professionals, in addition to gaining self-confidence and developing their communication skills. 

Give your children the opportunity they need and deserve to enrich the future! 


Organic Farming

A summer of learning, exploration and adventure!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu porta metus. Fusce egestas, augue ac pellentesque porttitor, sapien nunc dictum enim, a iaculis erat risus in ligula. Sed id porta est, vitae facilisis nunc. Integer vitae lacus ligula. In a ligula posuere, facilisis ipsum at, sollicitudin dolor. Ut blandit tempor elementum. Curabitur pulvinar ultrices sem, sed pharetra enim feugiat nec.

Aenean porttitor mollis est, et eleifend odio sagittis et. Nullam imperdiet leo et luctus mattis. Sed et nisl interdum, posuere leo ac, aliquet enim. Praesent vel rutrum dui. Praesent feugiat, sapien at aliquet placerat, sapien lectus consequat erat, eget porta lacus justo et arcu. Aenean vel elit eget risus eleifend ultrices. Ut commodo molestie sapien, eu sollicitudin erat tincidunt eu. Pellentesque nec mattis erat. Sed congue diam ac scelerisque pharetra. Sed ac metus vel lorem blandit vestibulum eu sit amet mi. Cras finibus dictum mollis.


Activities Gallery

World Heritage Day Celebrations

World Tourism Day Celebrations

Tribute to a Toddy Tapper

Harvest Celebrations

Kachchh Ji Chaap exhibition: A curated exhibition organized by the print artisans of Kachchh and Khamir that narrates 500 Years of Block and Batik Print

Trio de Assuncao performance at the launch of out Classical Music Venue

Blues band Soulmate enthral’s a packed audience with Tips & Ruday Wallang

The Big Bang Blues (BBB) Live at Goa Chitra

Shopping Basket

Support Us

Your support is vital to us and helps us preserve and share our heritage with the world and for future generations.

Your contribution can fund a skilled intern, create world-class programs and exhibits, finance a research project and much more. 

Every donation counts, and we thank you greatly in advance for supporting our work. 

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Leave a legacy by adding it to our collection.

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