
Media Room

Goa Chita Museums Media Room

Welcome to the Goa Chitra Museum Media Room Page
Our public relations team shares news stories and materials for use by the press. They can be reached via media@goachitra.com

Goa Chitra Museums is not just a conglomerate of museums or an organization.

It is a window to peer through, to find ourselves. A mirror that reflects the very nature and purpose of our existence. It is a stage for creative pursuits, a cultural institution, and a classroom for academic excellence. It is a playground for children and heritage hub for youngsters. It is a throwback to what we have forgotten. It is an album that makes you nostalgic.

It is a conglomerate of museums that additionally features an art gallery, organic shop, a café set and accommodation, set against the backdrop of an organic farm. The architecture of the House is in the spirit of sustainability, with materials from over 300 demolished houses in Goa that have been recycled and upcycled to resemble the classic Goan style. It is this holistic spirit of sustainability by which our ancestors consciously lived and the same is evident in the tools and implements they used, the food they ate and the love with which they tilled the soils.

Press Materials

Multimedia materials are available to accompany articles and other press mentions (with proper credit and copyright adherence). Unless otherwise noted, all materials are © Goa Chitra Museum

Media Enquiries

Our passionate staff members are eager to share their knowledge about our mission, heritage & culture as well as intimate knowledge about Goa

Reporters and other members of the media who are in need of a specialized source or interested in filming at the museum, contact our PR team. The PR team manages all communication with staff members.

Press Visitation

If you’re working on a story that requires an in-person visit to the Museum, we can offer you free admission. Contact us to submit your credentials and arrange for passes.

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Media Enquiry

Let us assist you in your media requirements be it visitation, specialized information, filming & access to the founder 

Please fill in your details below and choose from the dropdown the following

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Your support is vital to us and helps us preserve and share our heritage with the world and for future generations.

Your contribution can fund a skilled intern, create world-class programs and exhibits, finance a research project and much more. 

Every donation counts, and we thank you greatly in advance for supporting our work. 

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